Saigon Forever Young Club
Celebrates the Vietnamese New Year “TET 2018”
Announces a special event to honor
Vietnam Veterans and all Veterans
“All gave some, some gave all”
Attend to show your appreciation for our Vets!
Please join us on Monday February 19th, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
at Churchill Recreation Center
Entertainment provided by the Chinese/Asian Dance Performing group,
With a special appearance by the Vietnamese “Bui Family Dancers”!
Meet the founding members of Saigon Forever Young
All Villages Residents are welcome to attend this event!
Membership sign-ups will be available at this special meeting,
as well as door prizes and a 50/50 raffle.
Seating is LIMITED. $5.00 per person, please get tickets in advance!
BYOB and please bring a dish to share
We’ll see you there!
Contact Van Thompson or 714-548-2372